Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Monday! Your Wedded Bliss!

Monday won't be blue when you wake up a newlywed!  Now that your action packed wedding weekend is over, it's time to start nesting with your new groom.  Wedding day hangovers don't always come with remnants of an alcoholic haze.  Knowing how to ease into your new life and routine is an important recipe to planning your wedding without ending up with a headache.

Top Three Tips:
  1. Show Me The Money!  How do merging bank accounts work?  Do you combine your bank accounts or keep them separate?  A good place to start?  Most banks have personal bankers.  Visit your local branch and establish a relationship with a banker you can trust to guide you to the right choice.  Be honest and make sure you and your groom have an allied front on how you think the coins should flow.
  2. The Name Game:  Women traditionally take their spouses last name when the wedding day is over.  However, the task of changing your maiden name can be daunting and overwhelming.  First, make sure you and your fiance have agreed what name you wish to take, or keep.  Use a service like Name Change Express to keep it simple.
  3. Stuff It!  My stuff, your stuff, OUR stuff.  Combing households and STUFF can be as bad as the next episode of hording!  Don't fall victim to early disagreements by avoiding the 'my stuff' talk.  Make a list of deal breaker items that must be brought with each of you.  Make sure the conversation is fair, honest and non threatening.  Men and women can feel like they are losing a piece of their identity when forced to give up precious treasures.  Tread lightly and make sure you combine your stuff and not your emotional baggage.
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