Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Than One Way To Throw A Bouquet...

Part of the charm of being a bride of the 21st century is having the privileged choice of whether to be steadfast to tradition, or to steamroll over it completely and joyfully. Conventionally speaking, the tossing of the bridal bouquet is an exercise meant to improve the marital luck of the maiden who catches it; once priding itself as being a joyous and anticipated moment. However, some modern women of the unmarried status look upon the toss with dread; identifying the practice as one of isolated embarrassment.
But as the bride, it is possible for you to ease the tension of the moment using one of the following creative suggestions:

Make A Wish: Inviting all women –both single and married –to the dance floor, ask them to make a wish just before you throw the bouquet into the air. Whoever catches it will have her wish granted.

Blossoms of Fortune: For this version, it would be convenient –if not more so necessary –to have a bouquet that consists of several small bunched of flowers. Upon each individual bunch, handwrite and attach a special “fortune” (ex: a long successful marriage, discovering a new passion, taking an exotic vacation). Inviting everyone onto the dance floor, throw the bunches out over the crowd.

Honorary Gesture: Dividing the bouquet, whether in halves or in much smaller portions, give one of each to the individuals you would most like to honor and bequeath “good fortune”. Such candidates could range from anyone from your mother and mother-on-law, the grandparents, the women of the bridal party, your sisters, and so forth.

Toss of Favors: Instead of flowers, toss the wedding favors! Employing the help of the flower girl and ring bearer, or even the bridesmaids, disperse several amounts of candy, small toys, small stuffed animals, or even gift cards.

Break tradition… and enjoy it!

Helpful Source:
Ezine @rticles: “Six Alternative Bridal Bouquet Toss Ideas” by Amber Dusick

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